Sunday, July 28, 2019

Psycholinguistics and Second Language Acquisition Term Paper

Psycholinguistics and Second Language Acquisition - Term Paper Example We are asked to memorize the three forms of verb, and I think the technique really works. I studied in an EMI (English School) in Hong Kong when I was in the primary. Later, I immigrated to Canada when I was 14 years old. When I went there, I had to study in an â€Å"English as a Secondary Language† (ESL) class. Since English was not my first language, I found it quite tough. I was not taught English grammar in Canada. Therefore, I only know English grammar as much as I was taught till my primary. I think my grammar is quite weak because I passed a lot of time in Canada where I did not learn any grammar. I came back to Hong Kong at the age of 23 and started teaching English. I have expressed and shared my English learning experiences in this paper which explain the role of various psychological factors that have influenced my learning. â€Å"Psycholinguistics is, as its name implies, basically concerned with language as a psychological phenomenon, and most characteristically, with language in the individual†. (Garman, 1990). English is known as an International language in the present age. Internationally, all communication is majorly carried out in English. There are a lot of opportunities in the rapidly developing modern world but our access to them is limited merely because of a lack of knowledge of the International language. â€Å"Learning a new language and culture increases the size of your selection pool.† (Sauve cited in Ager, 2010). I always used to think that I would go abroad to gain higher education. But, it becomes very difficult to study in a foreign country without knowing how to speak, write, read and understand English. Realization of this fact inculcated an extrinsic / instrumental motivation in me and I thought I had better learn English in order to play good in my practical life. This was where my journey of learning English language actually commenced. Before I started to study English language, I always used

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