Saturday, July 27, 2019

Movie Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Movie Analysis - Research Paper Example The second boss that is Dr. Julia Harris played by Jennifer Aniston lacks openness in the sense that she is often shown as resorting to a traditional top down approach towards leadership with her assistant Dale. Julia, like Dave is also an in-conscientious in the sense that she does not hesitate from blackmailing Dale to clinch sexual favors. The third boss that is Bobby is a cocaine addict and an immoral son of Kurt’s late boss Jack. Bobby turns out to be an incompetent leader who though being in charge simply has no idea as of what one is supposed to do. Bobby is shown to be pathetically, emotionally unstable. In his self inflicted delusionary approach towards reality, Bobby considers himself to be a gift to women, intellect, and humor and to the life in general. In reality he is a huge disappointment to his late father and vehemently envious of Jack’s relationship with Kurt. The movie is a moving depiction of as to how big five personality dimensions give way to personalities with varied behavior patterns. In that context, the article Attraction to Employment Advertisements: Advertisement Wording and Personality Characteristics by Stevens and Szmerekovsky does stress the tendency of the employees to gravitate to such jobs as are in consonance with their personality dimensions (2010). This study demonstrated that individuals with a conscientious personality were more attracted towards employment advertisements which stressed conscientiousness. Similarly, individuals with an open mindset were found to have a predilection for employment advertisements that laid stress on openness as an essential job requirement. In the context of the movie, the three employees, Nick, Dale and Kurt unluckily found themselves in a work environment that was starkly contrary to their set of personality dimensions, thereby pushing them to try to eliminate their bosses. One other article, Personality and

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